Module 3, Physics 12, version 03 (JPH12C3) **

Section 13:Electric Circuits; How Ammeters and Voltmeters are Used; The Potential Divider; A Review of Magnetism and Magnetic Fields
Section 14:Electromagnetism; The Current Balance; Deflection of an Electron Beam by a Magnetic Field; Magnetic Deflection of an Electron Beam
Section 15:The Mass of an Electron; Meters; Electric Motors; The Strength of Magnetic Fields; Definition of the Ampere From Measured Quantities
Section 16:Electromagnetic Induction; Magnetic Flux; The Electric Generator; Investigation 13; Motors, Transformers. and the Transmission of Power
Section 17:Review; Equilibrium, Circular Motion, and Gravitation; Electrostatics and Circuitry; Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics, and Inquiry
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

QP Stock Number: 7540002682
Ministry Reference: JPH12C3
In Stock: Available (Print-On-Demand, non-returnable)
Units of Issue: EA
Category: OS Module
Price: $23.44EA

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